Brook Trout, Salvelinus fontinalis
Physical Description:
� Pale spots on sides
� Slightly compressed
� Large, terminal mouth
� Long jaws, jaw angle way behind the eye
� Small adipose fin
� Dorsal fin on the middle of the body
� Broad, forked tail fin
� Large, breeding male develops a kype on lower jaw
� Dorsal and tail fin with black marks or bars
Mean body size:
� Adults are 130-250 mm standard length
� Cold, rocky headwaters over sand, silt, mud, and detritus
Distribution in VA:
� The only salmonid native to Virginia
� Occurs in all Virginia headwaters - excludes the York, Chowan, and eastern drainages
� Not found in the Big Sandy drainage - probably extirpated from there
� May have been introduced to the Pee Dee drainage
Food Habits:
� Aquatic and terrestrial insects, crayfish, fish, and anything else they can catch
Reproductive Habits:
� Mature at age 1 or 2
� Spawn in October and November at 3-10OC
� Redds built in gravel and sometimes sand
� Fecundity is 100-5,000 eggs per female
� Hybridizes with brown trout (tiger trout) and lake trout (splake)
Population Status, Economic, or Ecological Importance:
� Rainbow and brown trout compete with brook trout for space
Jenkins, R.E and N.M. Burkhead. 1993. Freshwater Fishes of Virginia. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.
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Petromyzontidae, Lampreys
Polyodontidae, Paddlefish
Acipenseridae, Sturgeons
Lepisosteidae, Gars
Amiidae, Bowfins
Anguillidae, Freshwater Eels
Amblyopsidae, Cavefishes
Ictaluridae, Catfish
Percopsidae, Trout-Perches
Salmonidae, Trouts
Clupeidae, Herrings
Esocidae, Pikes
Aphredoderidae, Pirate Perches
Umbridae, Mudminnows
Fundulidae, Killifishes
Poeciliidae, Livebearers
Cyprinidae, Minnows
Catostomidae, Suckers
Gasterosteidae, Sticklebacks
Atherinidae, Silversides
Cottidae, Sculpins
Sciaenidae, Drums
Percidae, Perches
Moronidae, Striped Basses
Centrarchidae, Sunfishes