Physical Description: � Elongate, cylindrical body � Green in color with rows of yellow, bean-shaped spots � Single dorsal and anal fins are far posterior on the body � Tail is forked, pelvic fins are abdominal, and pectoral fins are low on body � Head slopes to a point, jaws are long and duckbill-shaped � Terminal mouth; lower jaw with large teeth and upper jaw with short, sharp brush-like teeth Similar species: � Muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) Mean body size: � Adults are 450-750 mm total length Habitat: � Found in marshes, lakes, ponds, and streams Distribution in VA: � Stocked in the upper James River drainage � Stocked in some lakes by the VDGIF Food Habits: � Feed on anything they can catch that will fit into their mouths Reproductive Habits: � Mature at ages 1 to 6 � Spawning occurs in late winter or early spring 4�C � Spawning occurs in shallow weedy areas in groups with one female and one to three males � Fecundity is 7,690-290,000 eggs per female Population Status, Economic, or Ecological Importance: � An important sportfish that fights well and tastes good, though bony References: Jenkins, R.E and N.M. Burkhead. 1993. Freshwater Fishes of Virginia. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. Page, Lawrence M., Burr, Brooks M., Freshwater Fishes, Houghton Mifflin co, Boston, MAIf you are seeking more information for the above species click on the VAFWIS logo (The Virginia Fish and Wildlife Information Service):