Physical Description: � Shiner with a deep body � Dorsal fin edge straight or slightly convex � Snout somewhat rounded � Terminal mouth � Tiny tubercles present on head � Most or all fins lack yellow color Similar species: � Whitetail shiner (Cyprinella galactura) Mean body size: � Adults are 45-70 mm standard length Habitat: � Warm, medium-sized streams to major rivers of moderate gradient � Pools, backwaters, and runs of shallow to moderate depth � Some Virginia impoundments Distribution in VA: � Atlantic slope drainages in Virginia from the mountains to lowlands Food Habits: � Feed on drifting items in the water column � Microcrustaceans, terrestrial and aquatic insects, and algae Reproductive Habits: � Mature at age 1 or 2 � Spawning occurs late May to mid-August at 18-30�C � Males are territorial � Eggs deposited in crevices and bottom substrates � Females spawn several times in one season � Fecundity is about 381-3,628 eggs per female Population Status, Economic, or Ecological Importance: � Great aquarium fish References: Jenkins, R.E and N.M. Burkhead. 1993. Freshwater Fishes of Virginia. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.If you are seeking more information for the above species click on the VAFWIS logo (The Virginia Fish and Wildlife Information Service):