Smallmouth Bass, Micropterus dolomieu
Physical Description:
� Moderately elongate, streamlined body
� Dark, olive-colored side that is often barred
� Dorsal fin not deeply notched
� Somewhat compressed
� Large, terminal mouth (lower jaw extends slightly more forward than upper jaw)
� Tail fin is slightly forked
� Jaw does not extend past the eye
� Three horizontal, dark green bars on cheek
Similar species:
� Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides)
� Spotted bass (Micropterus punctulatus)
Mean body size:
� Adults are 200-430 mm standard length
� Clear creeks, streams, rivers, and lakes over rocky bottoms
Distribution in VA:
� Big Sandy and Tennessee drainages
� Introduced to the New and all major Atlantic slope drainages (Roanoke, James, etc.)
Food Habits:
� Young eat microcrustaceans, insects, and small fish
� Juveniles and adults eat crayfish, fish, insects
Reproductive Habits:
� Mature in 3-4 years
� Spawning occurs in May in water that is 16-22�C
� Males build nests near shore in streams in slow currents near cover
� Males defend the eggs and the larvae aggressively
� Fecundity is 2,601-27,716 eggs per female
� Naturally hybridizes with spotted bass
� Crossed with largemouth bass, forms �meanmouth�
� Smallmouth and bluegill naturally hybridized in a Hawaiian reservoir
Population Status, Economic, or Ecological Importance:
� A valued sport fish
� Early subject of governmental and private stocking programs
� Smallmouth bass magazine called Smallmouth
Jenkins, R.E and N.M. Burkhead. 1993. Freshwater Fishes of Virginia. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.
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Hybrid: Redbreast Sunfish |
Continue Browsing Families.....
Petromyzontidae, Lampreys
Polyodontidae, Paddlefish
Acipenseridae, Sturgeons
Lepisosteidae, Gars
Amiidae, Bowfins
Anguillidae, Freshwater Eels
Amblyopsidae, Cavefishes
Ictaluridae, Catfish
Percopsidae, Trout-Perches
Salmonidae, Trouts
Clupeidae, Herrings
Esocidae, Pikes
Aphredoderidae, Pirate Perches
Umbridae, Mudminnows
Fundulidae, Killifishes
Poeciliidae, Livebearers
Cyprinidae, Minnows
Catostomidae, Suckers
Gasterosteidae, Sticklebacks
Atherinidae, Silversides
Cottidae, Sculpins
Sciaenidae, Drums
Percidae, Perches
Moronidae, Striped Basses
Centrarchidae, Sunfishes