Physical Description: � Large pectoral fins � Slightly indented tail fin � Robust body � Short nose and terminal mouth � �VX�-shaped blotches or bars on side of body � First and second dorsal fins with blue and yellow bands � Blue on tail, anal, and pelvic fins � Black hourglass-shaped bands across back � Yellowish body � Spawning male with bright blue bars and blue head Similar species: � Blueside darter (Etheostoma jessiae) Mean body size: � Adults are 35-50 standard length Habitat: � Clear, warm streams and rivers over sand and gravel in slow runs and pools Distribution in VA: � Found in the Tennessee drainage Food Habits: � Unknown � probably insects like other darters Reproductive Habits: � Life history mostly unknown � Spawning occurs late March to late May � May spawn in pool shallows and runs over gravel and/or sand � Males territorial � Female buries eggs � Fecundity is unknown Population Status, Economic, or Ecological Importance: � Undetermined status for one of the subspecies � More research needed References: Jenkins, R.E and N.M. Burkhead. 1993. Freshwater Fishes of Virginia. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.If you are seeking more information for the above species click on the VAFWIS logo (The Virginia Fish and Wildlife Information Service):